Monday, October 16, 2006

IT utopia

A strange phenomenon happens in my office every now and then... my team call it 'the Kate IT rage'. It happens rather more often than is good for my health - or theirs - or in particular the health of the IT team, and has happened rather a lot recently, especially on Friday, when I was attempting to work from home, and completely failed because I couldn't get the broadband to work properly.

But, now, thanks to some excellent assistance from a very diligent IT man who came to my flat this evening for three hours, everything is all in working order - I can even check my work emails sitting on my bed in my pj's if I want to!

So, if only I could get my I-Pod working again and figure out how to resurrect the copy of my old template which Blogger was allegedly saving indefinitely when I upgraded to Beta, but doesn't appear to have done so, and therefore get some useful bits of template back, I'd be in IT utopia I think.

As it is, such a thing clearly does not exist!

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