Tuesday, June 29, 2010


Long time no blog. Now that I have a new phone which is, frankly, a damn sight quicker and more useful than the old one, I might blog a bit more often. What's on my mind tonight though is an update on the long on-going 100 books challenge. I am still going. I have five books left. I am bored and I don't really want to read them, but I can't give up now! It's actually three full books and two half books. I am over halfway through Ulysses, and David Copperfield. After that I just have The Magician, The Count of Monte Christo, and Bleak House to go. Not sure if I'll read them in that order, but it might be a good plan to have some distance between the two Dickens books. I've really struggled to get through them (there are five in the list) and haven't really enjoyed them. I have saved Bleak House for last as I'm hoping the Broadstairs connection will inspire me.

So, a challenge which began in 2003. Pete finished it so long ago that he's got married and had a baby since. I have resolved to be finished by the end of the year. Trouble is, there's so much lined up to read next!

1 comment:

Martin said...

Still reading...? I applaud your dedication - I took one look at the list and decided I didn't have the commitment to see it through!