Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Cold, wet and still working... so much for August

My second post in two days... hmm.

I'm motivated to write this by frustration at the weather and work. It's pouring down with rain, and its cold. And its August! It's just not funny! What happened to the predictions of a heatwave for this summer that we were constantly hearing about a few months ago?!

I can only hope that the weather is nice at the weekend so that I can have some quality beach time. And hopefully that will help me recover my brain to its normal (albeit strange) state. I'm really struggling to recover and get back to normal after our manic week in Edinburgh.

Not helped by the fact that my neck really hurts, which always happens once I've sat at my desk for a few days after some time away.

Enough moaning. I have today booked a table at Rhodes W1 for Monday 5th September, so that is something to look forward to (in the absence of having any holidays planned, and I always have to have something to look forward to!)

I'm off to search the kitchen for something that might possibly be able to be created into a comfort food style meal.

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