Tuesday, December 06, 2005

I've pickled my liver

This is in tribute to Kelly, Sarah and Verity, who I’ve spent a wonderful evening with, but they’ve been moaning that they can’t spend enough time with me in the future because I’m booked every Saturday night in January so far (and most of the rest of December is written off with various Christmas parties).

This is bad. But it’s also good. I’ve spent a reasonable amount of time recently thinking about me, who I am, the challenges I face and the things I enjoy, and what I want for the future (partly fuelled by “20 Something, 20 Everything – a Quarter-Life Woman’s Guide to Balance and Direction” – and yes, I know it sounds like clap-trap, but it’s actually really good). My Dad says I always face challenges head on, and he’s right. I love being challenged. But I also love the support, companionship and understanding of my friends. I mean friends in the widest sense. I have some wonderful people in my life, and I frequently ponder that I am so very lucky to have them. Part of the reason that I’m “booked up” until February is because I have lots of different groups of friends, and I really love that. You all give me a different perspective on my life - those who read my blog and those who don’t; those who I work with and those I don’t; those who knew me at school and those who didn’t; those who knew me at uni and those who didn’t; those who have only ever seen me existing on the precipice of drunkenness that I currently occupy, and those who knew me in my more sober, less hedonistic days…. Those who are now reading this and thinking “Hang on, it’s Tuesday. She’s drunk again. Oh dear”

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