Sunday, June 18, 2006


So, as predicted, a slow blogging week, again. My impetus for this has dwindled a bit. That's partly because I've been really busy, and this has not been a good week at work. It's also because I'm being distracted by a rather nice new influence in my life. I'm not ready to reveal all yet, but it's sure having an impact on me, and I'm looking forward to seeing what happens.

In the meantime, for a week which includes my birthday, the forthcoming week is looking all a bit stressful!! Too much going on at work, which is adding to the stress, and then the Walk of Doom, as Steve has finally dawned on us... oh dear. I have blisters from wearing nice but painful shoes to the UHSU Ball on Friday (pictures in the usual place) - and having blisters at the beginning of a walk which is blatantly going to give me blisters is not a happy state of affairs!

Still, when I've had a go at it, at least I'll have done one of my New Years Resolutions!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good Luck with the walk, it was great sharing a few drinks with you on Friday. Craigedong