Sunday, June 04, 2006

The big one

Well, it's been an unusually long time since my last post... probably because I've really not spent a great deal of time in front of the computer for various reasons (well, not this one anyway, the work one, yes) including this.

I said in my last post that life is a rollercoaster.... well, it sure is. At the moment I feel like I'm on this one currently the record holder for the faster coaster in the world. Things are constantly changing all around me, and I'm finding it a little hard to keep up. On the whole, things are exciting, stimulating and... uh, interesting. I'm feeling slightly dazed and confused, but I just need to get stuck in and get on with it.

This week has been what is supposed to be a rest week at work - a time to catch up on all the things we never have time to do usually. The only problem is, I've not really done that, because the quiet time bought out my rebellious streak, and I spent a lot of time enjoying short days and reasonable lunches... which is why I now find myself at the end of a three hour stint of work on a Sunday, with more to go before I'm ready for tomorrow. I am at least very much enjoying sitting in the garden in the sun working, rather than being stuck inside - thank god for wireless internet, again! - although the laptop is getting sunstroke...!

The show was fantastic - and very funny. It is a credit to all involved in Act2 that such a show can be pulled together without too much stress, and with a hefty dose of fun and humour along the way. I very much enjoyed mucking in with the crew and being 'one of the boys' on the production side of this one. I'm also going to take this opportunity to say that I think Marty did a fantastic job on his directorial debut - your influence on the play, and the actors, really shone through, and it is a great credit to you - so shut your noise and take the complements!

Also since my last post, I went to the England vs Barbarians rugby match at Twickenham - it was a fab match and a great day out - and then on Bank Holiday Monday I did some things I really enjoy and haven't done for ages - wandering around London, having a Harrods picnic in Hyde Park, going to a pub quiz (albeit that we weren't very good), and did some other stuff. Great. Exactly the kind of stuff I should do more often.

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