Monday, June 04, 2007


It's been a long time, again. My blogging habits have changed... but I'm still here, occasionally!

Today I am thinking about books. Pete has completed our challenge - he's finished reading the tip 100 books list - yes, all 100 of them, finishing with Ullyses last week. Congratulations to him - and I am slightly in awe of the commitment involved in getting through all 100 - and without deviating off the list. We have been at it for about the same amount of time, and I am very far behind (I've read about 55 of the 100, but haven't finished the top 21 yet - Birdsong and War and Peace to go).

Pete completely committed his reading to it, and succeeded (elements of the determination needed to get through marathon running!) I have been wavering on to other things. It has taken me a long time to get through Great Expectations, which just didn't capture me, and when that happens I tend to look elsewhere... or fall asleep when I try to read!

Anyway, I have finally finished it, and have moved on to Birdsong. I thought it would be a hard read, but, in fact, I am really enjoying it. It's the kind of book which makes me look forward to the journey home so that I can find out what happens next. Then, back on to War and Peace...


Verity said...

Welcome back Kate! You'll get there with the books eventually. x

Unknown said...

AND there's a fair bit of knobbing in that one so..... :D