Monday, March 26, 2007

I'm here, I'm alive

Can't believe it's been so long. Still, it's been a rather busy few months, what with moving and all... so yes, John and I are now living in a rather lovely flat on the edge of Blackheath. And today I am missing him, because he's away on work and it's the first time we've been apart for a night since we moved in!

Anyway, he will be back on Wednesday.

And, I have had some early season Jersey Royals, flown back from the fair Isle this morning, for dinner to console myself with (thanks Dad). And, in fact, we had a lovely relaxing weekend in Jersey, complete with a fake Christmas and a rather yummy goose yesterday.

There is of course all sorts of things I could write about which have happened over the past few months, but I will limit myself to a few:

We moved in, had a fantastic housewarming party (although I doubt our hall radiator and our neighbours agree, but there we are), and I am very much enjoying living on the heath. John still makes me show my passport every now and then though!

We have decided not to do the ITEX walk this year, and I have therefore failed one of my new year's resolutions before the year has really even started. Although, actually, of course it has, I can't believe it's nearly April already.

Work is as manic as ever, and perhaps not quite as stimulating as it once was.

We're going to Egypt in ten days!

I am still working on the many photos I took in Cambodia - they will appear on Flickr soon, I promise. In the meantime, there are some prints of some of them in our lounge, should anyone like to come and visit!

And now, although I would love to write more, I need to go to bed. Our heating is not working, and that is the warmest place to be... albeit without John in it.

More soon. Probably.


Verity said...

Welcome back honey, thanks for the link and the encouragement!

Anonymous said...

Hurrah! She lives and writes again. I hope the heating isn't working because that bad man broke the radiator in the hall???
Am confused! doesn't ake much tho!

Lots of love T xxx