Monday, March 06, 2006


Wellllllll........ after a truly horrendous and amazingly complicated week, this week has at least started off a bit better, and I'm hoping (very much) that it's going to stay that way.

Had a very good weekend doing nothing very interesting, including recovering from a stomach bug which gave me the most delirious dreams ever... like changing the time and stopping the Home Secretary from doing a speech... WHAT?!

Also had some fun on Saturday night (photos on Flickr as usual). But actually, the best thing about the weekend was that I did normal things, like washing, ironing, cleaning, sleeping, going out for a walk... you know, all the kind of stuff you take for granted, at least until you come close to losing your possibly already a bit fragile grip on all the balls in the air, and then the boring stuff becomes the most important stuff in the world, because it's normal. And being normal is good. I realise now that I was probably very close to breaking point last week (well, I was closest at 3.30am on Friday morning when I was convinced that I was never going to feel well again, and that I was also never going to be able to sleep again!), and I'm kind of glad in a way that I had the bug, because it forced me to stop and sort myself out. I just hope things don't get that bad again. I don't think they will, but well, you just can never really tell in this job.

Still, on reflection, I love my job, and I love my life, and everyone and everything in it. And I utterly value my friends and my guiding lights in getting me through and allowing me to be me, offering encouragement, support, comment, constructive critism and praise at the right time. I've said it before, but I'll say it again, thank you all.

Big hug x

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