Sunday, April 23, 2006

Run Pete Run

Collapsed on the sofa feeling guilty. Spent today watching Pete run the London Marathon, which he did spectacularly well, despite the rain. Apart from now I'm really tired, which is rubbish, because all we did was wander round London a bit, he ran 26 and a bit miles, so I have no justification for being cream crackered!

Anyway, I've had a lovely weekend hanging out with the boys (mainly, joined by Tania and Helen and Pete's family for some welcome female company). Thank you boys. I'm enjoying a rest from the testosterone now though!

So, on to facing the week ahead... having just bought an EXTREMELY expensive dress for a black tie dinner tomorrow, I'm hoping that that will make me feel good for the start of a week about which I am feeling very apprehensive for all sorts of different (and kind of complicated) reasons.

Still, I have a wedding to look forward to, in Aberdeen, on Saturday. It's going to be great, a gang of my old Uni housemates back together again. So very much looking forward to that. Just got to get through the week first...!

(PS photos from Vegas still being prepared and exchanged between us girlies... more soon)

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