Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Viva Las Vegas

Well, it's Wednesday. I'm back. I have a touch of jetlag, a large dose of the post holiday blues, and the very slightest hint of a tan.

I was due to report back two decisions and some photos. To take the easiest first - there are photos, lots of them, but it's going to take some time to sort them out. Also, Na, Helen and I will be compiling all our photos in to one set for here. So, they'll be there in a few days. There are a couple at the bottom of this post to whet your appetite though...

As to the decisions: Na, Helen and the cocktails were helpful. I've decided that on the professional one, my philosophy is 'you've got to be in it to win it', so I'm going to chuck in an application and see what happens. That might be slightly easier said than done given the deadline is the 30th April, but we'll see. A concentrated effort at the weekend and some point next week should do it.

On the personal one, well, that's perhaps not so straightforward, but the philosophy is probably the same. One of the (many) films I watched on the plane(s) had a great line in it: "Who cares if you get in a mess in your life. At least you know you're living it then."

The photos:

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