Saturday, July 08, 2006


Many many many people have, I'm sure, blogged about the events which occurred one year ago today, from London, the UK, and no doubt across the world. I can't possibly compete or do justice to the poignancy and emotion conveyed in many of those posts, especially those from the direct survivors of the attacks.

My take on it is this: at this point last year, I was embroiled in some complicated situations. The beginning of July has specific memories for me, for what are in comparison insignificant personal reasons (although one them was my bro graduating, good).

On 7/7 2005, I was scared. But quickly, I became proud of being a Londoner. Proud of the way that everyone pulled together. Proud that only hours before we'd been awarded the 2012 Olympics.

Today proved that London can bounce back, albeit with increased security on display today. As we respected the 2 minute silence at work, the magnitude of the events again struck home (although some idiot rang during that time, duh!). We're strong things, us humans.

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