Tuesday, July 18, 2006


So. It's been a long time since my last post. Possibly an unprecedented gap between posts since I started this blog (although I've not actually been back to check.)

A whole massive amount has happened since I last posted: A rather nice dinner at La Gavroche; a rather odd weekend helping a friend moving house; a rather lovely but odd Sunday dinner; Pirates of the Caribbean II at (quite frankly the best in London) the Electric Cinema; a rather odd but good play; and a shopping in Covent Garden; a two hour stint in a dress shop in Watford in the Saurday heat; a massive birthday celebration for Pete and Helen (photos in the usual place (although not titled, Flickr wasn't playing ball, and I was too hot and bothered to do anything about it! Soon though, there will be (hopefully humerous) titles; a rather nice hotel with a fantastic shower and bath; a birthday barbie for Rish; and then a rather strange dinner in culmination of the effort on a project on which I have been working since seeing being appointed nearly three years ago.

There's so much to say. Suffice to say for now that the said 'new influence' is rather a good influence. And I very much like spending time with you. He makes an experienced point of view into a conversation and stimulates me. I like that.

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