Monday, September 26, 2005

Jelly Belly Beans Yeah!

No posts for yonks and then two in one day... this one is inspired by the large amount of Jelly Belly Jelly Beans currently residing in my office, thanks to the big boss having just had a recent trip to the USA. Pure nostalgia and a sufficiently good sugar rush to get me through a couple more hours at work.

I've only just started feeling productive today. I've been sitting on a piece of work which I really don't want to do, but which is now desperately urgent and I really need to hit myself round the head and get on with it. I attempted some of it at the weekend, but became distracted by Back to the Future II and various other things (involving F1 (finally a new champ) and speedating).

This has got me wondering about motivation and styles of working... I always struggle to be motivated to do things I don't want to do (usually difficult bits of work or chores) and end up leaving them to the last minute. Sometimes this generates really good work... but sometimes it just gets me in a bit of a pickle, which is pretty much where I am now (hence the working at the weekend and late in the evenings, which is otherwise a dire situation to be in).

I often wish that I could be more motivated to do things in advance. And it's not as if I can say that things creep up on me because I forget about them either, because I'm more or less a compulsive planner (maybe too much sometimes, sorry to anyone who's been on the receiving end of this!) and am usually completely aware of what's coming up. That almost makes it worse, because by the time a nasty piece of work has been playing on my mind for a few weeks, I'm even less inclined to do it.

My other frustration today is musical... my radio in the office still stubbornly refuses to hold any station apart from Magic FM for more than 10 minutes without fuzzing. Radio fuzz is one of my 'I really can't tolerate that' noises, so Magic has been the preferred option for the past two weeks. However, having heard the new Tracy Chapman song (which I do like) 6 times today, I'm a bit tired of it now. And my I-Pod is dead. And even I can't bear the sound of my own extremely bad singing!!

So, my evening will be accompanied by the sounds of traffic outside, and the dinky little mice running around under the grates in the corridor. Maybe I need a cat from here to sort them out! (Na visited them today and got some very cute pics).

More Jelly Belly ness needed...

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