Monday, September 05, 2005

Limping and red sky

I'm not very good at thinking of titles for my Blog entries. Some are very good at it, but I find myself lacking in inspiration sometimes!

Anyway, after recovering from the shock of realising that I posted the last entry on here when I was really drunk - AND it made sense and didn't have any spelling mistakes, I made it to Cornwall (via work, ick) successfully - and with a reasonable amount of matching clothes and the right toiletries!

Had a great weekend doing not very much - which is rare for me at the weekend. Spent most of Saturday lying in the sun reading the papers (and working out how to view Blogger and therefore the crazy blogs on the left from my phone so that I can see them from work if someone posts something unmissable!) and having a few bevvies. Very chilled.

Until, that is, I decided that it would be a good idea to play frisbee. Bad bad plan for my old knees. One very (6 hours!) long train journey and 2 hours in A and E later, and I'm now equipped with crutches - courtesy of damaged cruciate ligaments and soft tissue in my left knee. Not good.

And... get this - not only did I not get a seat on the DLR this morning, I couldn't actually get on the first train which came along because everyone pushed in front of me!! Some people are so rude. Same thing happened on the tube this evening - there were two people on crutches and two heavily pregnant women on the tube, and not one person offered any of us a seat! Grrr.

This is in danger of turning in to an essay... so I'll finish just by saying big up to Cleve, Nikki, Hannah and the most mad three lads I've ever had the priviledge to meet - Mike, Gordy and Caz, you're stars and you made the weekend INTERESTING!


la scania said...

ooo er these three lads made the weekend more interesting eh?!! Anything you would like to share with us on your blog ;)

Ps. Thanks for the compliment on my blog titles!! How do you that pretty link thing btw?

Anonymous said...

Well as Kate spent here sun eve in a & e, i was joining her only 300 miles away in cornwall!!!

What with her and her knee and my back doing one of its collapsing acts Sun eve was an event for us both. Though i think i may have done better from the deal as with no crutches, i was given the pleasure of valium to stop the spasms in my spine, an interesting end to what remained of the evening.

So the three boys were even funnier than ever and their madness became even more amusing. Nikki on the other hand I feel is still in shock at their humor, but thankfully Kate you are as mad as a hatter so fitted perfectly.

Hope the knee is doing well

C x