Tuesday, September 13, 2005


Don't eat cold ice cream after hot soup. It hurts.

A lot. Ow ow ow. Good job I've got the dentist next week. And the physio... and the doctor.

My boss happily told me today that he thinks I'm falling apart. Wicked.

On a completely different note, I'm doing some work tonight on the merits of "shoot to kill". It's led me to reflect on the fact that just two months ago we were in the midst of the aftermath of the 7th July London bombings. It seems like such a long time ago now, but the memories of the weirdness of that day and the trauma of the atrocities are still so acute. The way that London has bounced back and regained it's sense of community makes me proud. Life goes on, but we will never forget the events of that day (and the attempted bombings on the 21st July.)

Britain is a resilient and determined nation, across all the different communities and cultural divides.

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