Tuesday, November 15, 2005

I got the boots

Well, I got two pairs of boots actually. Which is one more than I really needed. Bit like how I didn't really need two new tops, a pair of pj's, a pair of jeans, a scarf, a bag, a belt and a coat, nor did I really need a nice expensive dinner from Marks and Spencer.

Still, I feel better for it, and the mammoth shopping trip which resulted in acquiring all of this was very successful given it took place at lunchtime and in one hour after work! The only slightly distressing thing was that I had to go to three different branches of Next to get the coat I wanted... I was extremely distressed by the time I got to the last one and found they didn't have the right size. However, I thought I would be astute and have one last check to make sure there wasn't one on the wrong hanger or something, and, sure enough, there it was!

The point of that little tale is that it led me to reflect on how something so simple and seemingly insignificant can have a massive impact on your mood. I wasn't expecting to get it, and then I really wanted it, and then I found it and was elated. Just goes to show that good things can happen when you least expect them to...

I was so happy once I'd tried it on that I even found myself singing along (quietly of course) to the Christmas songs in the shop, despite being a firm believer that things Christmasy should not be present anywhere until at least 1st December.

On a slightly different note, having realised that 6 out of 7 posts this month so far have been alcohol related, I thought I'd mention that I'm not drinking this week (except I had a glass of champagne last night, but that doesn't count). That is until we get to Rome...

1 comment:

Kate Griffiths said...

Sorry Rich x

Haven't had chance to properly investigate whether Blogger does categories, but I suspect it doesn't. Besides, I'm not sure that it would actually be a good plan. Far too many posts would be in the alcohol related category... and that wouldn't be good should my mum ever find her way here one day! Or my boss for that matter!