Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Do you?

I've had the kind of evening that makes you realise things about yourself that you didn't previously realise. There is a high chance that this isn't going to make sense to some of you, mainly because I'm suffering from a poor Stella vs food ratio. Still, enough of you will be able to make sense of it to make it worth posting, and those of you who can't make sense of it can have fun trying!

It's like when you're convinced that you don't want something, so convinced that you can ignore what others are saying to you, but then you suddenly (even though it's maybe more than a year later) realise that maybe they are right.

The key thing this has taught me is that sometimes your friends can know you better than you know yourself. And that is the sign of a true friend, that they can be patient with you when they know they are right, but that they also know it's going to take you some time to realise it. Thank you. I love you :-)

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