Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Two pints of lager and a packet of crisps

Except in my world it's five pints of lager and a packet and a half of crisps.


Still, finally managed to spend tonight catching up with KWTNH. Anyone who is still wondering who he is can email me to find out and I'll tell you, but I'm not going into it on here. But my god he makes me laugh! And he's a great mentor type person. He's frank and a bit harsh at times, but he cuts to the chase, and he's got to know me very well over a relatively short period of time. Funny how that happens.

I'm glad to have lots of great and wonderful mates, but they more or less fall in to completely different groups, and I really enjoy that. It gives me lots of different perspectives. Some might say it gives me more than the average amount of opportunities to go out drinking too...

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