Friday, October 07, 2005


Today is Black Friday.

Haven't got the pupillage I want, can't apply for the job I want, haven't got a man to spend my few free hours with, and various other things are going wrong.... and to top it off, I've now realised I've missed The Brief with the lovely Alan, and I forgot to set the Freeview magic technology to record it. Gutted all round.

In my 'Sunday Sunday' post, I resolved that I wasn't going to post when I'm drunk anymore... but Tania has encouraged me to continue, so here you go. I seem to be the only one of the "new Bloggers" ie Steve, Na and Tania who is blogging on a regular basis. Not currently sure why that is...

Maybe it's because I get more drunk, more often, and that generates more posts. It can't be because I am more bored at work, because I can't access this from work anymore (and I'm ridiculously busy and will therefore even be going in to work on Sunday!). But, maybe it's because I'm quite good at rambling, and no one who was interested is remaining interested anyway... If you're still here occasionally, let me know! As my boss observed accurately today, I don't stay down for long, so it's not all doom'n'gloom.

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