Sunday, October 23, 2005

Puberty Police

As Marty has previously mentioned I seem to have some sort of odd police homing device attached to my car. Especially in Hatfield, and especially on Oxlease. Where I got stopped AGAIN tonight (5th time in about 2 years) by the police.

They wanted to know what I was doing in Hatfield when my car is registered in Docklands. I felt like saying "I pay my road tax, I can go wherever I want can't I?!" but I restrained myself, and simply said "I've been visiting friends". Puberty policeman number 1 then said "well, it's a bit late to be doing that on a Sunday night isn't it, what other reason have you got for being here?".

It was 8pm. I told them that unless they could tell me I was actually doing anything wrong, I was leaving. And I did.

(In case you're wondering, I got the 'puberty police' phrase from Wonder Boys)

Other than that, I've had a good weekend, good food, good company, and gardening, which I always enjoy. There's something about pottering around in the garden which means you can't help but relax. Although I did combine that today with some random destruction of a very big bush, which was quite satisfying!

I'm hoping that this week will be a better, less weird, and less toxic.


la scania said...

What? Why do they keep stopping you? I reckon they must have a similar car being driven around by a very BAD person.
What I dont understand is that they stop you and question you about what you are doing at 8pm on a Sunday night?!!

Are you sure you dont sleepdrive from the Docklands to Hatfield at night time and you just dont know it!!

Kate Griffiths said...

I wouldn't mind if it attracted attractive policemen!!!

But no, I don't understand either. Maybe Tania's sleepdriving theory is the key...!