Tuesday, October 04, 2005


When I left work today, I was convinced that it was 8pm. Not too bad, I thought, hard day etc, still a reasonable amount of the evening left. So imagine how pleased I was when I sat down in the Chinese take away and saw that the clock said 8.10..... I'd suddenly gained an hour of my evening back!

Bit disorientating though. And that feeling was increased when I walked past the Muslim Community centre and smelt a particular type of incense, which I currently can't put my finger on the name of, which I always used to burn when I was a teenager. It bought back a lot of memories... I always used to burn it when I was shut away in my room trying to deal with whatever angst was going on at the time. I thought I had some spirited away here somewhere, which could help me deal with my current angst, but I can't find it. At the time, those traumas seemed like the end of the world. On reflection now, they were actually quite straightforward, and the traumas and complications of life as a mid-twenty something are infinitely more complex, confusing and need-for-incense-to-give-calm provoking.

Maybe I should nip back to the Community Centre and borrow some of theirs...

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