Sunday, October 02, 2005

Sunday Sunday

Ah... I really shouldn't post when I'm drunk (not a new observation that though). I think someone needs to invent a breathalyser which is linked to the computer, to stop me from even logging on when I've had a few too many (or, as was the case on Friday, a few too many far too quickly, red wine and champagne, what was I thinking!!)

Anyway, it was at least some form of stress relief at the end of a long and complicated week. Although I fear I'm about to have another one of those, which is why, despite the fact that I've had a lovely relaxing weekend, I'm now working at home. Grim though this is, it is motivated by a desire to get on top on my work (see my post about that), and has involved a small amount of hilarity. I've not got a great deal of desk space in my room, so finding room for a laptop and lots of papers etc has been difficult. I've now reached a happy improvised solution, by putting the laptop on a baking tin, on a cardboard box, on my set of steps, so that it can be close enough to the phone port and also close enough to my desktop computer to enable me to be able to work, MSN and blog at the same time!!

My evening has just been brightened as I write this though, because I've just seen an advert for Alan Davies' return in The Brief on Friday nights. Might be a slight issue because it is on on Fridays and I'm usually always out, but I'll have to put Stephen's new Freeview recorder box to the test to ensure that I can get my weekly intake of Alan and his great curvy legs. I finally found someone on Saturday night (Tania's friend Laura) who understands my curvy leg theory. At last.

Talking of Saturday night, we all had a great time at Moeker's gig at the Spitz (a great venue, and close to my roots in the East End). Marty played on a mini drum kit, and remains critical of his performance today. But, for what it's worth, I thought it was great. It helps that now we've all got the album, we know most of the words to the songs (although the new song was really good too). Although Dobbin wasn't in evidence. I think he'll have to make a return, along with the big kit with all the toys, at the next gig?!

And just to complete the weekend of East Endness... Na, Steve and I went for pie and mash for brunch! Fab.

If only weekends were three days long, I'd be completely happy today.


la scania said...

I so have to show Laura your blog entry she will be most pleased. Personally speaking I think you are as potty as each other. What about his legs? I find his daft hair and cute lisp rather endearing myself.....
As for drunken blog entry's keep them up girly they are very amusing to us all!

Kate Griffiths said...

Ah, well there's a whole theory about the slightly curvy legs on a tall man... I'll explain it to you sometime (I have enough trouble explaining it in person so it certainly won't be transferring to text very well!).

The daft hair is good though too. Still can't believe I missed the chance to talk to him in Edinburgh :-(